The Regional Towns series

“I am fascinated by the way the architecture, the combination of styles, makes each regional town unique. Various periods of prosperity have caused one style to be juxtaposed with another. These periods of prosperity have occurred at different times in each town. Most regional towns are not large enough to require the destruction of old buildings to make room for the new. Thus the History of each town is on display”

  • Side Street and vapour trail remnants

    Finalist 2017 Calleen Art Award

    Oil and acrylic on canvas
    101.7cm x 76.2cm

  • Storm over Forbes


  • Two Cars and a Tractor on a Truck – Cowra

    Acrylic on canvas
    101.5cm x 79cm

  • View of the Band Hall Grenfell from Forbes St

    Acrylic and enamel on plate glass. 52cm x 84.5cm. 2023

  • George Street Grenfell

    Oil and acrylic on canvas
    76cm x 61cm